Fotoband, zwei Hefte
1. Auflage, 100 Exemplaren
nummeriert und signiert
zu Klampen!
Paperback, 72 Seiten
ISBN 9783866741522
Deutscher Fotobuchpreis
Nominiert 2012
Der Fotoband wird in der Wanderausstellung des Deutschen Fotobuchpreises gezeigt.
Mígozárad – „it will pass“ – signs a path of extreme but transient chaos and disruption. Along this trail of loss, the present can only lead eventually to something… better. Hopefully, it’s the very resilience of hope that legitimates such mayhem: the nightmare „will pass“ if only every-one fights for it. Which everyone oh-so-much does, sparked by new reasons to hate and lulled by old promises of ever richer eldorados: oil, gas, cotton, opium, slaves. Sudden greed brings sudden death to the shores and peaks of the Silk Road: Russia and Pakistan, the Caucasus and Siberia, the Volga and the Pamir, the Hindukush and the Tian Shan.
Not many go in, even fewer stay on, almost anyone goes deep. Wolf Böwig does so. What is left in his roll is passionate though not charming. A promised land trying to survive its own promise. „It will pass“ – of course. Like Böwig’s uncompromising work, it’s a curse to God.
Pedro Rosa Mendes
George W. Bush jr., october 2001
The Durand Line refers to the disputed border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, which is poorly marked and approximately 2,640 kilometers long. It was established after the 1893 Durand Line Agreement between a representative of colonial British India and Afghan Amir Abdur Rahman Khan for fixing the limit of their respective spheres of influence. This poorly marked border cuts through the Pashtun tribal area and lies in one of the most dangerous places in the world. Although shown on most maps as the western international border of Pakistan, it is unrecognized by Afghanistan