submission for Lange Taylor Prize
My current and future projects continue and extend a long and multi-stop travel experience which has brought me from the Indian subcontinent over the Pashtunistan region to the Balkan as the violent fringe of Europe. They are not only connected by phenomenons like failed states, authoritarian regimes, civil wars as well as hugh waves of displacement and migration, but by various traumas of destroyed illusions after 1945 both politically and socially. As a photographer, artist, and diarist I see my work as a scratched mirror of this broken post-war global utopia of freedom
Though the original photograph remains visible as a core relais between the „before“ of the image and the „now“ of Böwig’s and others engagements with the material, it reflects a fundamental skepticism about truth, the representational validity of his own photographs. Böwig tries to grasp the invisible in what you can see and, at the same time, to raise doubts that we can get a sufficient understanding of what has happened by taking pictures
Reisender Stillstand – Bernd Stiegler
So ist es das erstaunlichste metaphysische Kunststück, das der Mensch vollbringen kann … seine Seele anzuhalten, auf das Gebaren ihres Tiers zu achten, ohne sich daran zu beteiligen, arbeiten zu sehen … . Auch hier die Doppelfigur von Bewegung und Stillstand, von Eigenem und Fremdem, von Vertrautheit und Distanz, die seine Haltung insgesamt prägt. Und so ist auch das verborgene Ziel der Reise, die Seele ganz allen reisen zu lassen. Xavier de Maistres Zimmerreise wird als Anleitung zu einer Seelenreise erkennbar, die gerade in der räumlichen Beschränktheit auf die eigenen vier Wände die Innenwelt der Freiheit und als Selbstermächtigung erschließt
Ricklingen 1987
Keramik Galerie Böwig 1997
Failing and Flying
Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew.
It’s the same when love comes to an end,
or the marriage fails and people say
they knew it was a mistake, that everybody
said it would never work. That she was
old enough to know better. But anything
worth doing is worth doing badly.
Like being there by that summer ocean
on the other side of the island while
love was fading out of her, the stars
burning so extravagantly those nights that
anyone could tell you they would never last.
Every morning she was asleep in my bed
like a visitation, the gentleness in her
like antelope standing in the dawn mist.
Each afternoon I watched her coming back
through the hot stony field after swimming,
the sea light behind her and the huge sky
on the other side of that. Listened to her
while we ate lunch. How can they say
the marriage failed? Like the people who
came back from Provence (when it was Provence)
and said it was pretty but the food was greasy.
I believe Icarus was not failing as he fell,
but just coming to the end of his triumph.
Jack Gilbert – Refusing Heaven
Worldwide Reading for the democracy movement in Hong Kong – ilb
The international literature festival berlin is calling on individuals, schools, universities, cultural institutions and the media for a worldwide reading for freedom of expression and assembly on 9 September 2020. These readings are intended to draw attention to the situation of freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and human rights in Hong Kong, which were adopted by the United Nations in Paris on 10 December 1948. Hong Kong’s parliamentary elections are also scheduled for September 2020.
The recent arrests of 15 representatives of civil society, the democratic camp and the media are part of a long tradition of sometimes subtle, sometimes offensive efforts by the People’s Republic of China to influence the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), which has been semi-autonomous since 1997, and its government formation. New York Times May 22nd: “On Hong Kong, the leadership struck a hard line at the annual meeting of China’s legislature, unveiling a plan to impose sweeping new security laws that would place the territory more firmly under Beijing’s thumb and crack down on antigovernment protests.” The headline of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in Germany: “China wants to put an end to the protest movement in Hong Kong”.
Institutions and persons who would like to participate with a reading on 9 September 2020 are asked to inform us and send information like: name of the organizer, place and date of the event, participants, language of the event and, if you have, website link.
Von den Todesrändern der Welt: wo sind Jamina und Mohamad?
Vier Monate dauerte die Odyssee von Idlib nach Griechenland ins
Flüchtlingslager Vial: Jamina und ihr Sohn Mohamad erreichen
Chios Anfang Februar 2020. Der Fotograf hielt regelmässig Kontakt
via whatsapp
Wie und wann es weitergeht
Die Fotoszene in Zeiten der Pandemie
Wolf Böwig hat bis Ende Februar auf den griechischen Inseln das Flüchtlingsdrama fotografiert. Eigentlich wollte er dann weiter in die Türkei, entschied sich aber für einen Abbruch der Reise und lebt seit Anfang März wieder in Hannover. Dort kümmert er sich um seine Eltern und meidet zu ihrem Schutz alle weiteren Kontakte. Wie üblich sucht er für seine Fotografie nach neuen Erzählweisen und nutzt das Material aus Griechenland für Collagen. Der Historiker Habbo Knoch schreibt zu Wolf Böwigs aktueller Arbeit: „Es überlagern sich im Moment und auf eine noch nicht absehbare Zeit drei Isolationen: die Isolation der von Gewalt, Krisen oder Flucht und ihren Folgen Betroffenen als marginalisierte Menschen; eine weitgehende Überlagerung ihres Schicksals durch die (notwendige) Befassung westlicher Gesellschaften mit sich selbst; diejenige von Reportern und Fotografen, die keinen unmittelbaren Zugang haben. Im extremen Fall sind die menschlichen Medien selbst durch Quarantäne oder vergleichbare Zustände in einer strukturell ähnlichen, wenn auch materiell, physisch und psychisch ungleich besseren Situation.“
Anna Gripp – photonews Mai/Juni 2020
Once upon a time – „a long time ago,“ perhaps, „in a galaxy far, far away“ – there was an advanced civilization, free, liberal, individualistic, on a planet whose ice caps began to grow. All the civilization in the world could not halt the march of the ice. The citizens of that ideal state built a mighty wall, which would resist the glaciers for a time but not forever. The time came when the ice, uncaring, implacable, stepped across their lines and crushed them. Their last act was to choose a group of men and women to travel across the ice sheet to the far side of the planet, to bring news of their civilization´s death, and to preserve, in some small way, the meaning of what that civilization had been: to be its representatives. On their difficult journey across the ice cap, the group learned that, in order to survive, they would need to change. Their several individualisms had to be merged into a collectivity, and it was the collective entity – the Representative – that made it to the far side of the planet. What it represented, however, was not what it had set out to represent. The journey creates us. We become the frontiers we cross.
bought in Calcatta 2006
84ter Geburtstag meiner Mutter – may 30th
roll 2&3 – may 29th
may 24th
may 19th
Wolverines for Moshe – may 16th
portfolio – may 13th
Theater of Operations; Eleey Katrib – MoMA PS1
The Gulf Wars 1991-2011
given our current cultural climate, art institutions are practically the only places where we can actually step back from our own present and compare it with other historical eras
written in the aftermath of Abu Ghraib
Boris Groys
an Iraqi historian … becomes obsessed with a bookseller he encounters on his first trip back to Baghdad who is attempting to catalogue all that has been lost in the first minute of the Iraq war. The tale of the young scholar and the eccentric book dealer weaves in stories of the destroyed human and non-human lives – the moment an old tree is bombed, a prized stamp collection erupts in flames, a family is killed – and the expansive histories, relationships, and futures that die with them…