Oktober 2016 – Publikation borders and beyond

Fishing for stones: the photography of Wolf Böwig
by Pedro Rosa Mendes

A lot of what stands today as contemporary photojournalism is somehow saturated with «events» and «facts», as digital technology and social media conspire to make reality invisible to itself by its very ueber-exposure. The truth is, we reached the point where we see an overwhelming-lot more than what we are honestly able to understand. The paradox of contemporary journalism, in the fast-evolving global information ecosystem, is that broader visibility means narrower attention. Worse yet, the increasing democracy of tools is actually reinforcing single narratives. This is where the art and the ethics of documentary photography have a crucial contribution to give, as it is evident on the unique body of work of photographer Wolf Böwig.

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25. Oktober 2016 um 18:30 Uhr | St. Michaeliskirche Hildesheim, Laudatio und Danksagung

Einladung (download pdf)

Kulturpreis Evangelische Landeskirche Hannover


Kulturpreisträger: Wolf Böwig für seine Dokumentarfotografie von einzigartigem Zuschnitt und künstlerischem Anspruch, die zu einer tiefergehenden Auseinandersetzung mit den Themen von Krieg, Gewalt und Flucht sowie besonders ihren Ursachen anregt

Laudatio und Danksagung anläßlich der Kulturpreisverleihung:

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Weltausstellung Prinzenstraße spezial: borders and beyond

Grenzbilder entlang der Balkanroute – Wolf Böwig und Sigmar Walbrecht (Niedersächsischer Flüchtlingsrat) im Gespräch mit Habbo Knoch (Universität Köln)

16.10.2016, 11.00 Uhr, Foyer Schauspielhaus

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Tomorrow, Today will be Yesterday: Thoughts on Crossing Borders

by Susana Moreira Marques

When Wolf Böwig, a German photographer I’ve known for a few years, asked me if I’d like to write something inspired by his new project, Borders and Beyond, I hesitated. Wolf had been spending a lot of time in eastern Europe documenting the movements of people trying to reach central Europe. During his travels he would often send me emails with his photo collages and excerpts of his visual diaries. The images moved me in ways I couldn’t immediately define. I wasn’t sure how I could add anything, first of all, because I hadn’t been there. Wolf, being determined as he is, insisted: Borders are everywhere. This was about the issue, the ideas, this was about going beyond the media agenda. So, I started thinking and imagining and I realized I was already writing

Tin House – the open bar
July 7th, 2016

Kulturpreis der Landeskirche 2016

Der mit insgesamt 10.000 Euro dotierte Kulturpreis 2016 der Evangelisch-lutherischen Landeskirche Hannovers geht an den in Hannover lebenden Fotojournalisten Wolf Böwig. Der mit 5.000 Euro dotierte Kulturförderpreis 2016 geht an die in Berlin lebende Autorin Shida Bazyar für ihren Debütroman „Nachts ist es leise in Teheran“

Eine Jury mit zehn Expertinnen und Experten aus Kirche, Kunst und Kultur hat aus den Sparten Film, Bildende Künste, Literatur, Musik, Tanz und Theater die Preisträgerin und den Preisträger gekürt. Insgesamt 31 Vorschläge wurden gesichtet. 17 Scouts aus Kirche, Soziokultur und Kunst haben der Jury zugearbeitet

RIP – Nazar 1991-2016

…my friend Nazar from Ukraine committed suicide may 16th

Nazar couldn’t find his way in life. He signed up to the new Ukrainian army a few months ago. But it was too much for him: he hanged himself in the military campus of Wlodzimierz Wolynski in western Ukraine

” May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand. “

…a ship of life, bound for the shores of promise – your voice will endure, singing out to us between the spaces in the wind, always free, always Nazar

Em memória de Nazar, um jovem recruta do exército ucraino.

A crónica de Susana Moreira Marques


borders and beyond

Borders and Beyond
Wolf Böwig
photos, diary pages

The plate
The virgin
Pedro Rosa Mendes

Tomorrow, today will be yesterday
Thoughts on crossing borders
Susana Moreira Marques

80 pages
format 178 mm x 250 mm

April 2016

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