…Stendhals Porträt einer zerrissenen Gesellschaft:
„chacun pour soi dans ce désert d’égoïsme qu’on appelle la vie.“
Der Weg des jungen Julien Sorel, geprägt von Heuchelei und dem schwelenden Konflikt zwischen Unterstützern der wiederhergestellten Monarchie und Anhängern der Revolution, ist vor allem ein präzises Sittenbild der französischen Gesellschaft der 1820er Jahre. Kunstvoll beschreibt Stendhal in diesem Roman, wie die Menschen ihre wahren Ziele und Ansichten verbergen müssen, um diese schwierige Zeit erfolgreich zu bewältigen. »Rot und Schwarz« zeichnet das Leben eines jungen Mannes nach, der genau weiß, dass in seiner Welt nichts gefährlicher ist als Ehrlichkeit.
spinach, pepperoni, tomato, pumkin – august 31st
for Leah – august 30th
in the making: Unitas In Multitudine – august 29th
august 27th
august 23rd
for Moshe and Henri: Afghanistan02, Ricklingen22, documentation45 – august 22nd
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july 31st
spinach, pepperoni, tomato, apple, dried herbs, hydrangea, raspberry, garlic, rose
july 27th
Pangaea 48.647 – july 17th
layout for screenprinting – july 14th
basil, rosemary, rhubarb, celery, gooseberry, currant, chives, tarragon, arugula
july 13th
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june 1st: The „Death Cult“ keeping Russia in Ukraine – Nathalia Antonova in The Bulwark
Russia carries wounds that go back generations. Instead of examining these wounds in order to treat them, the nation has turned to face the abyss. It does not need to be this way. Russia can turn back and take up the work of national healing if the people demand it. But for that to happen, the morbid ideology that demands glorious victory at any cost must be repudiated – by denying the victory.
Russia needs an unequivocal defeat in Ukraine, a seismic event that can knock down the old idols and force a national reckoning.
This must be the end game for the war – and it is why Ukraine’s allies in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere must do everything possible to support Ukraine. If Russia does not break free from the worship of death, peace will remain out of reach.
The Bulwark
Kramatorsk, may 2015
photo: Wolf Böwig
Buchpräsentation Wort im Bild – 100 ausgezeichnete Fotografien
– während der Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur im Garten des ORF
– im Lendhafen
– der BV Galerie
– im Jugendstiltheater Klagenfurt
– an der Außenwand des Künstlerhauses Klagenfurt, im Cafè Kamot sowie der Kornstube
…how Shahzia Sikander remade the art of miniature painting:
In 2019, two Persian paintings sold in a private-auction house, in London, for roughly eight hundred thousand pounds each. The paintings were illuminated manuscripts, or “miniature” paintings, and they belonged to the same book: a fifteenth-century edition of the Nahj al-Faradis, which narrates Muhammad’s journey through the layers of heaven and hell. The original book, once an artistic masterpiece, had been ripped apart, reduced to sixty lavish images. Bound, the manuscript was likely worth a few million pounds; dismembered, its contents have sold for more than fifty million.
The dismembering of manuscripts is part of a larger story, a tale of extractive patronage and the passage of empires. The term “miniature” is a colonial creation, a catchall category for a diverse array of figurative paintings that emerged in modern-day Iran, Turkey, and Central and South Asia.
collection C.O. – june 27th
bookshelf for client – june 20th
war|rape – first elements layout and framing; 48x68cm – june 18th
collection P.R.M. – june 17th
june 15th
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may 9th: War by another name – Joshua Craze and Wolf Böwig in The Baffler
Sanctions are not a gentler alternative to conflict
With the end of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, the dollar became the world’s reserve currency, used for the vast majority of international trade, and sanctions in turn became an instrument of first resort for the propagation of American power. For a disobedient country, exclusion from the international financial system meant economic death, and the corpses piled up. The Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellites, as well as Vietnam and China, were all severely affected by sanctions during the Cold War.
The morgue grew even more crowded after 1989, which inaugurated what experts call “the sanctions decade,” in which a newly toothless UNSC signed off on America’s pursuit of “rogue nations.” Iraq was an early victim. UNSC Resolution 661, passed in August 1990, shortly after Iraq invaded Kuwait, banned all UN member states from trading with Saddam Hussein’s regime, with some exceptions for medicine and food. The move was intended to force him to withdraw from Kuwait, but that required an American-led invasion. Yet sanctions remained in place for another thirteen years, backed by an ever-changing set of justifications.
The Baffler
poster for Lost Panorama; Dhaka|Berlin – may 31st
may 30th
collection P.S. – may 28th
may 27th
may 26th
back|front „in the making“ – may 23rd
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for Felix – april 28th
2003|2021 – april 27th
april 24th
april 18th
for Leah – april 12th
april 10th
april 6th
shelf in the making – april 5th
SIGNUM MORTIS: Krieg in Europa – april 3rd
To the Ashes
We’re heading into the night. We’re shadows of ash
on transparent stallions.
The piebalds won’t budge.
They just wail and burn.
Whip the horses and see the scars,
scoop water from an empty pail.
Behind us, nothing but loss.
Sail off, but where to? – nothing around but soot
Our dead are everywhere –
in the trees, blossoms and fetes.
That same ash in their mouths
won’t let them wake from death.
The light floods in, but wait; it’s hard
when night falls from your eyes.
When coals in place of hearts
die out and quickly turn to dust.