notes | artist@memory & 1m² Menschenrecht


first research


Begleitprogramm Bethlehem

Ausstellungseröffnung mit Chören der Gesamtkirchengemeinde
-inhaltliche Einführung | Gudrun Meischner, Quartier e.V.
-Frau Liedke | Friedensbeauftragte der Landeskirche und Kunstabteilung
ab 18Uhr

Wort & Musik | Abendgottesdienst

3. 10. 17. 24.9.
Filmreihe von Amnesty International

„say their names“ | zu jeder vollen Stunde werden je fünf Minuten die Namen
der Gestorbenen an den EU-Außengrenzen verlesen
0 bis 0 Uhr

„über Gewalt berichten“ | Animation und Diskussion
19 Uhr

Lesung | Lea Miraç, brunch&bread

28. 9.
Finissage | Abendgottesdienst
18 Uhr


exhibition Hannover | update


concept for artist@memory


Dear Wolf, 

Yesterday I started examining the scans of the prisoners’ portfolios and figured out there is variance between
the info in the scans and on the website.
So I decided to check the spelling of all names and locate the destinations
for all the cases. Below you will find the list of all the cases with some mistakes
corrected (the order of the cases is
same as on the website). These were mostly minor spelling mistakes, but for two cases my research revealed that
are part of different region then you thought initially, which might directly influence our trip.

Case 1.

 Grigoriy Alexeiev, Malokakhovka village. Currently it’s part not of Mykolaiv region, but of Kherson Region, particularly the part occupied by Russian forces. It would be impossible to go there.

Case 2 

Pavel Antoschtschenko 

(I believe in German Pawel is more correct, as the sound is Eng “v” (like in Venus), not German “fau”) 

Kudrivka (not Kudryavka!!) Chernihiv region 

Кудрівка, Сосницька громада, Корюківський район

Case 3 

Pavel Awramenko (same, I believe it should be Pawel) 

The village stated in the scan as his place of birth is not Kosiwschyna, but Khoruzhivka (still it’s Sumy region) 

Хоружівка, Роменський район

Case 4 

Mitrofan Bibikow (not Bibirow like stated on the website) 

Schyrjajeve Odesa region 

Ширяєве, Одеська обл 

Case 5 

Iwan Bili 

On the website, it says he was born in Stalnivtsi (Chernivtsi region, which is a comparingly faraway western destination within Ukraine), but the scan says something completely the opposite: it is not Stalnivtsi, it is “Stalin Oblast”, old soviet name of Donetsk oblast, so it’s Eastward. This man came from Zakitne village in Lyman district (former Krasnyi Lyman). Currently Lyman is a frontline city. I visited it many times and even made a short doc about it. I haven’t visited this particular village, but I assume as it’s very close to the zero line it would be semi-destroyed, abandoned by civilians and populated by soldiers. I’m not sure if the civilians/journalists are even allowed there due to FPV-drone danger, but I can check that. Below is a print screen of Zakitne on Deepstate map, which shows how close Russian troops are 

Case 6. 

Iwan Bilokin (Іван Білокін) born in Kovalyn village (not Kovali) in Kyiv region. 

Ковалин, Київська область. 

Case 7. Roman Naschlidnik (not Haschlidnik). First, because in Russian they put it with “H”, which cyrillic for for “N”. Second, when naming the contact person of the prisoner, they put the family name as Naschlidnik too. 

As for the village name, the Russian translation of the village names for cases 7 and 9 was a complete mess, so I had hard time finding the villages: even though the website stated Oplitsko, the scan had a second name. I figured out that the village where the man’s contact lived – handwritten as “Олечья Валика” (sounds like nonsense) – stands for Oplits’ko Voluiki (Опліцько Волуйки). 



Case 8. 

Iwan Nentzin (Иван Ненчин)

Malynivka (not Malynivska) 

Kharkiv region, Chuhuiv district, 46 km out of Kharkiv 

Малинівка, Чугуївський район 

Case 9 

Wladimir Nestor 

Same as in case 7, he was born in Oplits’ko, but the location for his contact person was stated as Oplits’ko-Terebezhi 

(Опліцько-Теребежі). I’m not sure if we need the name of the 2nd place, but all these are tiny villages of 100-300 people, so it might be useful to have several locations in mind.




To sum up, we have 9 cases, of which 

  • 2 cases belong to Lviv region (West of Ukraine) 
  • 1 case Kyiv region (centre) 
  • 1 case Chernihiv region (North) 
  • 1 case Odesa (South) 
  • 1 case Kharkiv region 
  • 1 case Sumy region 

And 2 cases problematic for research and access because of the current war : 

  • 1 case on the occupied part of Kherson region 
  • 1 case near the frontline in Donetsk region 

Unexpectedly, I enjoyed this small detective research. Please feel free to put more questions and ask for more proof for my corrections if you feel like my explanations are not enough.

january 19th


case 1
Alexejev Grigorij

case 2
Pavel Antoschtschenko

case 3
Pavel Awramenko
Kosivshchyna (near Sumy)

case 4
Mitrofan Bibirow

case 5
Iwan Bili

case 6
Iwan Bilokin

case 7
Miron Haschlidnik

case 8
Iwan Nentzin

case 9
Wladimir Nestor


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